Friday, August 27, 2010
a wonderful weekend
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Romans Bible Study
Funny Stories
Bible Study maddness
Friday, August 6, 2010
Getting into the swing of things
Well this last week I was a busy bee working on my first Bible Study assignment. We all did one on 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Mine ended up being about 8 pages and around 3,000 words. I worked really hard Monday and Tuesday and finished it on Thursday. It was funny because as I was finishing mine up some people were just starting and it was due on Friday. I really enjoyed digging into the passage and looking up words in the Greek. I don't think I would have the discipline to do a project like that back home so it was cool to have someone kind of force you into it. it's interesting to think that I've never really studied the scriptures on my own before. I either read books about the bible or listen to people talk about the bible or do bible studies done by someone else. I don't think any of that is wrong but it's so cool to actually look stuff up for myself.
We also had a visitor from the other New Zealand Capernwray school last week. Her name was Jen and she does missionary teaching at the other school. She talked to us about being a missionary in Africa for three years and her testimony of how she came to know Jesus. It was really encouraging. One of her quotes that I liked was "If you are not a missionary, you are a missions field". Her point was that if you are a Christian, you're a missionary. You don't have to live in a third world country to be one.
On Wednesdays each week we have work days where we help out around the school's campus with various jobs and I've been lucky to help out with graphic design. It's been a real blessing to work on projects for the school and continue to use my skills. I work with Elizabeth Thomas, our principal's wife who is super sweet and fun.
On Thursday we had family night where we hung out with our families and played games and stuff. My family and another family went out to the field by the ABS lodge and played dark games. We were in the area of really tall trees and played different games in the pitch black. It was so much fun and the stars out there are amazing.
I've also been waking up early and going to a prayer meeting in the mornings before breakfast which has been a super great way to start my day. There's only about three of us there each morning and we read a chapter in the bible, then pray and then close with a psalm. I like starting my day out early and focusing on what's most important. We meet in the Homestead Lounge which is in the main house and has a nice fireplace that gets used all the time. Nothing like having a cozy fire for prayer time. Maybe that's why back home at CCC our staff prayer was always in the "fireside room." :)
Prayer Request:
- Praise we got car insurance for pretty cheap
- Praise I was able to talk to some people back home on the phone last week.
- Prayer for the two week break we have in about a month in a half. People are already trying to plan stuff out and I don't know what Michelle, Frank and myself will do.
- Prayer for being consistent with running. Last week was hard to fit it in with all the studying.
Wairere Falls trip

We got to the halfway point and took a break to take pictures and eat a snack. It was so cool to look out and see this massive waterfall. Craig, one of the staff and leader of the hike said we would be going to the top of the waterfall which was hard to imagine since it looked so far away and high up. Here I am at the midway lookout point.
The hike path was really pretty with green everywhere. Here is a picture of me by this really cool mossy bolder. I liked the streams and stuff on the way.
Sure enough though we got up there and the view was absolutely breathtaking. You are standing right where the water is falling off the cliff. The water was really low so we got to walk out on the rocks and take photos and stuff. This is where I ate my lunch. I wish I could have a view like this every day. When we first got up there it was a little rainy which wasn't a big deal but after about 5 minutes it stopped and was nice and sunny.
Here's a picture of me at the top lookout point and another picture of the view when it stopped raining.
This is the edge where the water flows of the cliff
Here's a picture of some of the other students walking around the rocks since the water was low.
This is me, Leah and Frank. We tried to take an "artsy" cd cover photo. I don't know if I would classify it as artsy, more just that Frank and I look like we say something to the left and Leah is confused about it.
Here are some pictures I took from the van window on the ride back. The mountains are covered with trees and the grass is SO green. I also took one of the cows because back at school we live right next to a farm and they have cows so sometimes the cows are right next to the fence of the property. It's so weird to live so close to cows. I know I grew up in Nebraska, the beef capital with Omaha Steaks, but I only really saw cows when I was driving somewhere. I never heard them mooing or lived right next to them. It's a new experience. This last week they were "calfing" so we actually saw a cow give birth when we were driving up the driveway/road to school. Just random, right next to the road, a cow giving birth.
After the trip we stopped at McDonalds for icecream cones (only .60). They call McDonalds "Mackers" here. The best part was seeing this sign right next to it that said to "Look for Trains". We thought we'd better take it seriously and get a photo. :) This is Leah, me, Michelle and Frank. I don't understand what Frank is doing either.