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Friday, June 4, 2010

Information on the Bible School

Here's some information about the school I'll be attending (July - December) from the website

Course Outline

This is a sample outline of some of the study areas that are covered during a semester. They are never repeated in a school year.

1. INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE STUDY & MINISTRY SKILLS (Various Capernwray Staff) - 18 hours: An introduction to the purposes and nature of the course. A practical explanation and practice of putting a Bible study together. An introduction to a number of ministry skills including using drama, story-telling, scripture memorisation, puppets etc.

2. REVELATION (Peter Thomas B Ed [Hons], BD, M.T.S) - 24 hours A careful reading through the text of Revelation to establish the basic content of the book and it's implications for Christian living today; a look at the Christological implications and various eschatological models

3. MINOR PROPHETS (Peter Bichan, ABS Director, Capernwray Bible School) 12 hours An introduction to the minor prophets as a genre and a particular in depth look at Malachi drawing out it's devotional implications for today

4. SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Stuart Batterham, Cert 2 Basic Christian Leadership, Pastor in Training) - 10 hours A study of Matt 5-7, looking at Christ's description of the Christian life. Specific topics listed are: The Christian's character; Christ and the Law; Money; Prayer; Freedom from Materialism and Worry

5. RELATIONSHIPS (Jonny Beckerleg B.Th, Dip.Pol, Vice-Principal, Capernwray Bible School, Australia) - 10 hours A Biblical perspective on relationships. God's interest in our relationships and His plan for us to enjoy healthy and fulfilled relationships. The impact our families have on all other relationships - male/female, marriage, sexuality

6. DANIEL (Peter Thomas B Ed [Hons], BD, M.T.S) - 10 hours An overview of the Babylonian/Persian period and particularly the presence of God's representatives (Daniel and friends) in the midst of an alien culture. We draw out the devotional and practical implications for Christian living today from the first 6 chapters as we examine the prophetic outcomes anticipated in Ch7-12.

7. HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE - (Hayden Johns, NZDip. Bus, B.A., M.A., Pastoral Dean, Capernwray Bible School) - 8 hours This course leads the student into an in-depth and practical analysis of Bible study tools, methods, and production into written form.

8. COLOSSIANS (Dr Lincoln Badger Phd, MDiv) - 9 hours Colossians is the most Christological of Paul's epistles. This course entails a careful exposition of Colossians. The student should be enriched by understanding the Supremacy of Christ in all things and be led into a deeper faith in Christ.

9. LIFE OF DAVID (Neil Bernard B.Th, Grad.Theol., Grad.Dip.Min) - 10 hours An introduction to the character of David; his place historically, socially and spiritually in the Bible and the nation of Israel. Spiritual principles can be learned from his relationship with God.

10.EPHESIANS (Hayden Johns, NZDip. Bus, B.A., M.A., Pastoral Dean, Capernwray Bible School) - 6 hours An overview of the book of Ephesians from saints then to saints now touching on the different roles of the Trinity including the Doctrine of Justification by Faith, the Spirit filled Life, the Person and Work of Christ and the exalted position of the Church.

11. APOLOGETICS (Lewis Meyer B.Sc. Dip.Biblical Studies) - 10 hours An in depth systematic and rational analysis of vital Christian belief systems (the revelation of the Bible, the existence of God, miracles, the resurrection and the deity of Christ) in the light of modern challenges from secularism, atheism and new age mysticism.

12. MISSIONS (George Booth National director of Operation Mobilisation ) - 9 hours A study of the Biblical basis for mission and various aspects of mission particularly cross-cultural issues.

13. 1&2 TIMOTHY (Craig Barrows BA.Theo, [Hons] M.Div. [Hons] ) - 6 hours Timothy is the most pastoral of Paul's letters. This course entails a careful exposition of Timothy . The student should be enriched by understanding God's heart in encouragement in all things and be led into a deeper faith in Christ.

14. THE ABIDING LIFE (Ray Andrews, PhD, Full-time Counsellor and Teacher, Abiding Life Ministries International) - 11 hours Looking at the full meaning of ‘abiding in Christ' with particular implications for being freed from past personal experiences, psychological and spiritual factors that have shaped our personalities. An examination of the ‘thinker, feeler, doer' phenomenon and how it helps us understand ourselves and our place in God's service.

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