I've been reading a book by Mark Batterson, Wild Goose Chase, and it's been exactly what I needed to read right now. Apparently Celtic Christians had the name "An Geadh-Glas" for the Holy Spirit which can be translated to "the Wild Goose". His book is all about taking risks and getting outside our comforts to chase the Holy Spirit. He goes through different "cages" we can find ourselves in that prevent us from chasing the Wild Goose which are; cage of responsibility, cage of routine, cage of assumptions, cage of guilt, cage of failure and cage of fear. I like a few quotes from the book: "Lord, thank You that You want us to get where You want us to go more than we want to get where You want us to go." and "God is far more concerned about your future than you are." and lastly this quote: "The unpredictable twists and turns of life can drive you crazy. Or you can learn to enjoy the journey. The choice is yours."
Prayer Request:
- Praise for continued support and prayers from friends and family
- Prayer for what to pack and what to give away
- Prayer for freelance projects. That I would be able to complete them before I go and discernment for what projects to say no to.
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