Well, I officially completed my first week of Bible School. It was pretty fun meeting all the new people and joking around. The classes didn't really pick up until the very end of the week and mostly likely won't really start until next. This week was full of orientation stuff. It was hard to hear all the boundries and new rules I live under but I know God has put me in this place for my good and for his purpose. (Romans 8:28) It will just take some adjusting. The weather has been gorgeous lately. I barely believe it's winter. It feels more like our early fall.
We all have "family groups" which are our small groups and we met for the first time this week. My family leaders are Hayden (my family dad and Hermeneutics teacher) and Sheryl (my family aunt and assistant cook here). I love my group. There's 5 total students and then the 2 teachers in it. Hayden is super smart but also has a really dry sense of humor so he's fun to talk to and Sheryl is really sweet and from the south island. We went over to Hayden's house Thursday night and started the night out playing a game called Piggys. You basically just roll these tiny pig figures made out of plastic and depending on how they land you get so many points. You can have your points canceled out if you roll a certain way so the trick is knowing when to "bank" your points and when to keep rolling. I won by shear luck since I had to clue what I was doing.
When we were leaving we were all laughing about different parts of the night. One of the funny parts was when Hayden was waving to us as Sheryl was reversing out of his drive way we all of a sudden we hear this loud "THUD" and realize we hit something. When we pulled forward we see Hayden's mailbox hanging by a thread! Sheryl felt so bad and we knew Hayden was never going to let her live that one down. He was a good sport about it and we all cracked up the whole way back to school.
I've gotten to know some of the other girls here this week and I think everyone here has an amazing story. I was told by an Austrailian girl that I have an awesome accent. She said it's one of her favorites :) Apparently it's the way I say "and" that's so funny.
My mom and I used to play that game all the time! Here in the states :) we call it Pass the Pigs
Sounds like you are doing well!
God Bless