I started Bible School yesterday. I've met lots of people from all over. There are a lot of Canadians. Also there are Kiwis, Americans, a couple Germans and a few British. My first impression is that it's like a retreat center our college group has gone to before but with a more scenic view than Iowa.
The first day was a blur. I got picked up by a shuttle at my hostel in the late morning because it was running late. We picked up a few other girls along the way and got to school around 2pm. When we arrived, we found out who we would be rooming with and in my room there is a German girl named Mirjam (pronounced Miriam) and a Kiwi named Esther. They are both really sweet and Mirjam is only one year younger than I am so I don't feel like such a geezer. I know God put us together for this semester for a reason and it's a blessing to be with such awesome girls. Normally there are 4 to a room but this semester they have really small numbers (only 33 students) we just have 3 to a room. That also means we'll most likely be a close knit group by the end of 5 months.
The second day was mostly orientation and going over the rules. Michelle and I drove into town with another guy here named Kyle to get our car registered. There were a few screams from Michelle and I as we cautiously drove on the other side of the road but made it there ok and got the name of owner changed over. It was quite an experience!
The food here is amazing. We have lots of veggies and fruit and other yummy dishes they make for us. I love having morning tea break where we get tea, coffee or hot cocoa and then usually some type of cookie or treat. We won't really get into the swing of things until next week.
I feel blessed and overwhelmed that God has let me come here. I think I'll learn a lot and it's a neat experience to take such a break in life to listen to God and see what His calling on my life is. I'm sure it will be challenging to live with everyone but in a good way. I feel like I've already learned so much. This is just the icing on the cake. I also appreciate all your prayers and support SO much! Thank you thank you thank you for praying for me!
Prayer Request:
- Pray for discernment for what insurance to get for our car
- Pray for continued motivation to get up and run with a group of girls
- Praise for our car working and great roommates!
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