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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was thinking about this and realized the last time I was unemployed, I was a sophomore in high school. Needless to say, it feels weird.

I didn't want to cry my last day at Christ Community Church, and I was so busy that I didn't think it would be hard, but then all of a sudden in the afternoon it started hitting me. I felt the tears coming and I didn't know if I could stop them. It was difficult but I held them off until I got in my car. CCC has been more than an amazing job and the staff has been more than fellow co-workers, they've been my family and CCC has been my home.

After I got in my car, I headed to my second job at the Hope Center for Kids for yet another "last day". The kids had a goodbye party for me last night there and all made me cards (which I'll post my favorites of when I find my camera cord). I know I will never forget their little faces. I have loved being in their lives and it has been so good for my soul to work there as the Art Coordinator for the last 8 months. God is doing an amazing work in North Omaha and raising up some pretty incredible leaders at the Hope Center.

Even though it feels a little scary, I know that God is the only thing I can count on to be consistent and my rock the rest of my life. I also know God is calling me to New Zealand at this time and as a former co-worker (Dusty White) of mine says "You have to choose your calling over your comfort".

Verses I've been saying a lot lately:
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Friday, June 25, 2010


here's a fun story:

I've been praying about how in the world I'm going to get around in NZ, especially on breaks from school. I just figured I would make friends with someone with a car and figure it out when I get there. Randomly the other night a guy named Mark, who is at Bible School right now, messaged me on Facebook about buying his car. It's a 1992 Toyota Corolla (I know fancy) and said he bought it from someone at Bible School when he first got there. I was a little uneasy about making such a big decision without even seeing the car first hand but God works in crazy ways so I decided to pray about it.

The next day I was reading this blog and a quote jumped out at me: "You need to think, but you can't over think. Over analysis leads to paralysis! " by Mark Batterson. I decided to message Mark back and ask if the car was still available. I liked the fact that I would be buying it from someone at the Bible School and after looking at prices for that car on other websites, I realized the price was a really good deal. He had mentioned sometimes students share a car but since I don't really know anyone that's going I figured that wasn't an option.

When I got onto Facebook I noticed a girl named Michelle had also messaged me. She's going to the same school in July so we've become friends on Facebook but haven't talked that much. Mark had also told her about the car and she wanted to know if I wanted to share it with her. Unbelievable! I was so nervous about spending that much money but God worked it out. I told her I would love to share it with her so this little beauty will be coming on my NZ adventure with me and my new friend Michelle.

Yes, that's the Canadian flag painted on the door. Good thing Michelle is Canadian and good thing she knows how to drive a manual because I don't, but I'm excited to learn!

Prayer Request:
- Praise that God has provided such a cheap way to have a car
- Continued prayer for finishing up freelance projects
- Continued prayer for packing, this weekend I should be able to get most of my house packed

Friday, June 18, 2010

God's grace

I've had some time to reflect on the journey God has taken me on these last few years. The overall theme has been God's grace.

College Ministry
I was not even close to ready or qualified to lead a small group in the college ministry at CCC four years ago. Through God putting it on people's hearts to take a chance and His grace, I was able to be a "leader-in-training" for about a year and co-lead the next. After co-leading for a year I transitioned to coaching small group leaders, which I've done for the last couple years. Getting into leadership was a way God pushed me to take the steps of faith that I had felt lukewarm about before. It has been full of overwhelming and deeply joyful experiences with people. I now see how important prayer is with leading or mentoring and how little it has to do with you telling people what to do and not to do. It was a shift for me when I saw that people need prayer and love first and guidance second.

Graphic Design at CCC
Likewise, God planted me here at Christ Community Church as the graphic designer way before I was qualified. My boss, Nick Kelly, still jokes about how he would probably not hired me but since I was all ready working part-time when the previous designer quit he took a chance. My design skills have improved immensely working at CCC. I believe I've had a designer's dream job. The variety of projects and team I've worked on are incredible. Most of all, by God putting me in a work environment with all Christians it helped me find my identity in God at a time when I was living 2 different lifestyles and not being consistent.

Compass Ministries
This one is pretty funny. Six years ago I got in trouble and had to do some community service and someone in my small group suggested I check out Compass. Again by God's grace, they let me help out at their Kids Church on Sundays. After I was done with the community service I still wanted to come each week. I think I learned more each Sunday at Kids Church than I did anywhere else those first years. The messages were so simple and since I never went to Sunday school, it was the first time I was hearing them. I also fell in love with the kids. I went down there thinking I was going to help them when in fact, they have changed me forever. Seeing the circumstances they grow up in but still maintain their innocence is nothing short of amazing. And they're hilarious.

The list goes on and on and on. As I embark on this adventure to New Zealand I definitely feel under qualified. But as God has shown me over and over, He doesn't need me to be qualified because He is. He just asks for my obedience and trust.

Prayer Request:
- Praise for the overwhelming support and love I have felt from fellow staff at CCC
- Continued prayer for freelance projects to be able to be completed.
- Prayer for packing. That I would be a blessing as I leave the home I live in and for wisdom for what clothes and stuff to bring to NZ (I know, I'm such a girl)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Packing begins

This week I started packing and it's a mix of emotions for me. Part of me is ready to start this adventure I've been preparing for since last year and the other part of me wants to hold onto the life I have here in Omaha.

I've been reading a book by Mark Batterson, Wild Goose Chase, and it's been exactly what I needed to read right now. Apparently Celtic Christians had the name "An Geadh-Glas" for the Holy Spirit which can be translated to "the Wild Goose". His book is all about taking risks and getting outside our comforts to chase the Holy Spirit. He goes through different "cages" we can find ourselves in that prevent us from chasing the Wild Goose which are; cage of responsibility, cage of routine, cage of assumptions, cage of guilt, cage of failure and cage of fear. I like a few quotes from the book: "Lord, thank You that You want us to get where You want us to go more than we want to get where You want us to go." and "God is far more concerned about your future than you are." and lastly this quote: "The unpredictable twists and turns of life can drive you crazy. Or you can learn to enjoy the journey. The choice is yours."

Prayer Request:
- Praise for continued support and prayers from friends and family
- Prayer for what to pack and what to give away
- Prayer for freelance projects. That I would be able to complete them before I go and discernment for what projects to say no to.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Information on Adventure Bible School

Here's some information about the school I'll be attending (January - March) from the website

ABS (Adventure Bible School) is a 6 week outdoor based Bible School. It is aimed at developing the whole person; spirit, soul and body, particularly in the area of Christian


The ABS programme has been developed over a 10-year period to allow students the opportunity to combine Bible teaching with physical and outdoor activities.

Sea, sky, mountains, bush, and caves provide the setting for our classroom. Through challenging outdoor activities designed to stretch you, we explore practical Christian living and how we relate to God, others and ourselves.

The course includes a balance of:

• Practical Bible Study
• Lectures
• Mentoring
• Discussion
• Workshops
• Adventure Activities
• Practical Activities

Information on the Bible School

Here's some information about the school I'll be attending (July - December) from the website

Course Outline

This is a sample outline of some of the study areas that are covered during a semester. They are never repeated in a school year.

1. INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE STUDY & MINISTRY SKILLS (Various Capernwray Staff) - 18 hours: An introduction to the purposes and nature of the course. A practical explanation and practice of putting a Bible study together. An introduction to a number of ministry skills including using drama, story-telling, scripture memorisation, puppets etc.

2. REVELATION (Peter Thomas B Ed [Hons], BD, M.T.S) - 24 hours A careful reading through the text of Revelation to establish the basic content of the book and it's implications for Christian living today; a look at the Christological implications and various eschatological models

3. MINOR PROPHETS (Peter Bichan, ABS Director, Capernwray Bible School) 12 hours An introduction to the minor prophets as a genre and a particular in depth look at Malachi drawing out it's devotional implications for today

4. SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Stuart Batterham, Cert 2 Basic Christian Leadership, Pastor in Training) - 10 hours A study of Matt 5-7, looking at Christ's description of the Christian life. Specific topics listed are: The Christian's character; Christ and the Law; Money; Prayer; Freedom from Materialism and Worry

5. RELATIONSHIPS (Jonny Beckerleg B.Th, Dip.Pol, Vice-Principal, Capernwray Bible School, Australia) - 10 hours A Biblical perspective on relationships. God's interest in our relationships and His plan for us to enjoy healthy and fulfilled relationships. The impact our families have on all other relationships - male/female, marriage, sexuality

6. DANIEL (Peter Thomas B Ed [Hons], BD, M.T.S) - 10 hours An overview of the Babylonian/Persian period and particularly the presence of God's representatives (Daniel and friends) in the midst of an alien culture. We draw out the devotional and practical implications for Christian living today from the first 6 chapters as we examine the prophetic outcomes anticipated in Ch7-12.

7. HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE - (Hayden Johns, NZDip. Bus, B.A., M.A., Pastoral Dean, Capernwray Bible School) - 8 hours This course leads the student into an in-depth and practical analysis of Bible study tools, methods, and production into written form.

8. COLOSSIANS (Dr Lincoln Badger Phd, MDiv) - 9 hours Colossians is the most Christological of Paul's epistles. This course entails a careful exposition of Colossians. The student should be enriched by understanding the Supremacy of Christ in all things and be led into a deeper faith in Christ.

9. LIFE OF DAVID (Neil Bernard B.Th, Grad.Theol., Grad.Dip.Min) - 10 hours An introduction to the character of David; his place historically, socially and spiritually in the Bible and the nation of Israel. Spiritual principles can be learned from his relationship with God.

10.EPHESIANS (Hayden Johns, NZDip. Bus, B.A., M.A., Pastoral Dean, Capernwray Bible School) - 6 hours An overview of the book of Ephesians from saints then to saints now touching on the different roles of the Trinity including the Doctrine of Justification by Faith, the Spirit filled Life, the Person and Work of Christ and the exalted position of the Church.

11. APOLOGETICS (Lewis Meyer B.Sc. Dip.Biblical Studies) - 10 hours An in depth systematic and rational analysis of vital Christian belief systems (the revelation of the Bible, the existence of God, miracles, the resurrection and the deity of Christ) in the light of modern challenges from secularism, atheism and new age mysticism.

12. MISSIONS (George Booth National director of Operation Mobilisation ) - 9 hours A study of the Biblical basis for mission and various aspects of mission particularly cross-cultural issues.

13. 1&2 TIMOTHY (Craig Barrows BA.Theo, [Hons] M.Div. [Hons] ) - 6 hours Timothy is the most pastoral of Paul's letters. This course entails a careful exposition of Timothy . The student should be enriched by understanding God's heart in encouragement in all things and be led into a deeper faith in Christ.

14. THE ABIDING LIFE (Ray Andrews, PhD, Full-time Counsellor and Teacher, Abiding Life Ministries International) - 11 hours Looking at the full meaning of ‘abiding in Christ' with particular implications for being freed from past personal experiences, psychological and spiritual factors that have shaped our personalities. An examination of the ‘thinker, feeler, doer' phenomenon and how it helps us understand ourselves and our place in God's service.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

less than 40 days

I leave on July 13th so the countdown began on Tuesday.

After a lot of help from my sister and tons of prayer, I have my Student Visa, medical insurance, school paid and even my international student ID card. I think these next 39 days will fly by and I'll be in limbo for most of it.

God has been so faithful these last months. He has provided in ways I couldn't have imagined. My roommates have someone to move in when I leave, which is a huge answer to prayer. I have felt more peace about this huge transition in my life and that can only be from the Holy Spirit because my normal tendency is to freak out. God has been teaching me so much about material possessions and what true trust and faith is.

As I take this next step I'm leaving 2 wonderful jobs, 2 wonderful roommates and my amazing family and friends. I feel like I'm putting everything on the line. I think being a Christian is about taking risks and I have been praying for a long time now that God would make me a biblical Christian not just a comfortable Christian. I want to have faith like the people in Hebrew chapter 11.

Prayer Request:
- Praise for getting all my paperwork in and approved for school
- Pray for God to provide great friends for me at school
- Pray that I will be able to bless others with the things I won't be taking with me